Name of ACE Community City of Brewton
Reporting Year 2019
Phone 2518091777
Number of Business Licenses 391
Number of Building Permits 82
Source (ex ADECA/CDBG, State Arts Council, Tourism Dept. etc)) FAA AIP, ADECA, ADECA CDBG, ADPH, ALDOT TAPAA, EDA, ADECA, DRA
Amount (use only numbers, please, such as 5,000 or 100,000) 317268, 14595, 450000, 24000, 800000, 4000000, 900000, 300000
Purpose (Sewer Expansion, Design Plan for City Center, etc) Runway lighting, airport beacon, police tasers, holsters, battery packs, Sanitary sewer rehabilitation, Update water floridation, Sidewalk installation, Water/sewer upgrades, tank, Water/sewer upgrades, tank, Water/sewer upgrades, tank
New Business No, No, No
Business Name (Subway, etc) ProValus, Frontier Technologies, Cashel Beams and Flooring
Investment Dollars ($) (number only) 5000000, 3000000, 1500000
Jobs Created (number only) 100, 20, 40
Economic Impact Dollars ($) if known (number only)
Event Name (How to Fundraise, etc)
Number Attending (number only)
Hosting Agency (Chamber of Commerce, City Council, etc)
Youth or Adult Youth
Leadership Development Description:
Please see attached form
Files Related to Leadership Development
Date of most recent Strategic Plan March 12, 2018
Date of most recent Strategic Action Plan March 12, 2018
Briefly describe progress in implementing sections of the strategic plan.
Connectivity is being addressed through a comprehensive long-range traffic plan. Additionally, walkability is a focus with a major traffic signal controlled crossing planned for Gordon Lane and US 31. Additional crossings downtown are part of the long-range plan. Demolition is nearly complete on a formerly vacant building that will be the site of the new Brewton Fire Department. Additional 1.2 miles of sidewalks are coming for Alco Drive and College Drive to connect the campus with our downtown park complex. Meetings are ongoing with the Coastal Alabama Community College leadership to improve workforce training for our city’s residents. Information Technology is a pressing need given the new industry in our city. Welding is another sector need. The city has partnered with Alabama Career Center representatives to help host job fairs. The city’s school system received “A” ranking last year, one of a few statewide to accomplish the mark. More than 90 percent of our graduates go on to college or workforce training, and more than 90 percent graduate high school workforce or job ready. The city continues to focus on developing tourism and quality of life projects to remain attractive to prospective industries and retirees as well as families seeking a home community. The city’s spec building was sold to Cashel Beams and Flooring in an expansion there.
Strategic Plan Attachments
Date of most recent Comprehensive Plan March 12, 2018
Briefly describe Comp Plan projects in progress or completed
Work continues on downtown revitalization with some changes to the zoning ordinances to meet changing needs of the community. Bed and breakfast regulations have been updated, as has home-based business regulations. The city continues work on expanding industrial park sites with new property added along CSX rail.
Name of Superintendent: Kenneth Varner
Elementary School Annual Report Card: A
Elementary School Student Population for entire school system: 300
Middle School Annual Report Card: A
Middle School Student Population for entire school system: 300
High School Annual Report Card: A
High School Student Population for entire school system: 300
Name of Career Tech Administrator: David Lanier
Career Tech Training Courses: carpentry, welding, masonry, mechanic, refrigeration