Name of ACE Community City of Haleyville
Reporting Year 2018
Phone 205-494-1002
Number of Business Licenses 706
Number of Building Permits 25
Source (ex ADECA/CDBG, State Arts Council, Tourism Dept. etc)) RC&D, RC&D, CDBG
Amount (use only numbers, please, such as 5,000 or 100,000) 3575, 2500, 485389
Purpose (Sewer Expansion, Design Plan for City Center, etc) Bulletproof vests for police department, Bicentenial Grant, Paving and drainage for 6th, 7th and 8th Ave.
New Business No
Business Name (Subway, etc) K.I.T.H.
Investment Dollars ($) (number only) 2500000
Jobs Created (number only)
Economic Impact Dollars ($) if known (number only)
Date August 21, 2018, November 30, 2018
Event Name (How to Fundraise, etc)
Number Attending (number only) 19, 22
Hosting Agency (Chamber of Commerce, City Council, etc) City of Haleyville and the Haleyville Area Chamber of Commerce
Youth or Adult Adult, Youth
Leadership Development Description:
Haleyville/Winston Adult Leadership began in August 2018 with 19 participants. The nine month program ends in April 2019. The class has started working on a project to collect pictures and information for the Alabama Film office website to possibly help recruit the area for film production. They have started a face-book page for the project.
Information on Adult Leadership –
Marion/Winston Youth Leadership Academy – M/WYLA started in December 2018. More information attached.
Files Related to Leadership Development
Date of most recent Strategic Plan
Date of most recent Strategic Action Plan March 18, 2019
Briefly describe progress in implementing sections of the strategic plan.
The current Strategic Plan 2014-2018 can be found at Plans are underway to update the plan for 2019-2023.
A marketing Study was completed in May to help with recruitment of a Hotel.
The city had a gain of 50 new jobs – companies are seeking employees.
Strategic Plan Attachments
Date of most recent Comprehensive Plan
Briefly describe Comp Plan projects in progress or completed
The comprehensive plan can be found at We are working to update the plan.
Name of Superintendent: Dr. Holly Sutherland
Elementary School Annual Report Card: 80 B
Elementary School Student Population for entire school system: 777
Middle School Annual Report Card: 87 B
Middle School Student Population for entire school system: 390
High School Annual Report Card: 86 B
High School Student Population for entire school system: 456
Name of Career Tech Administrator: John McCullar
Career Tech Training Courses: Welding, Auto Technology, Business, AgriScience, Drafting and Design, Health Science