Name of ACE Community Milla Sachs
Reporting Year 2018
Phone 2563026964
Number of Business Licenses 280
Number of Building Permits 404
Source (ex ADECA/CDBG, State Arts Council, Tourism Dept. etc)) Alabama Historical Commission, Alabama Historical Commission, Alabama Bicentennial Community Grant, Keep America Beautiful Malboro Award, Alabama Recycling Fund Grant, Edward Byrne Justice Award, ADECA Traffic Grant, High Visibility Alcohol, Marshall County Legislative Delegation, FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant, Wal-Mart Foundation Grant, ALDOT Transportation Grant
Amount (use only numbers, please, such as 5,000 or 100,000) 13946.00, 7500.00, 2500.00, 7980.00, 49230.00, 24000.00, 1500.00, 1500.00, 10000.00, 74360.00, 500.00, 137150.00
Purpose (Sewer Expansion, Design Plan for City Center, etc) Old Rock School Repairs, Old US Post Office Cupola Repairs, Guntersville City Cemetery, Keep Guntersville Beautiful, Guntersville Recycling Program, Glock Handguns for PD, Guntersville PD, Guntersville PD, Guntersville Fire Department, Guntersville Fire Deparment, Guntersville PD, Public Transportation Buses
New Business Yes
Business Name (Subway, etc)
Investment Dollars ($) (number only)
Jobs Created (number only)
Economic Impact Dollars ($) if known (number only)
Event Name (How to Fundraise, etc)
Number Attending (number only)
Hosting Agency (Chamber of Commerce, City Council, etc)
Youth or Adult Youth
Leadership Development Description:
This year, the MCLC board has pushed a focus of “plugging in” to our community. The class has seen multiple presentations on leadership topics such as courage, passion, innovation, and collaboration; experienced a poverty simulation where classmates spent “one month” in the shoes of a poverty-stricken family; and attended an agency fair of various social and charitable organizations throughout our county. We created a form with the help of these organizations so classmates could show which organizations they are interested in being a part of, whether by volunteering, being on the board, or otherwise. A main goal for this year’s class is to help them find a passion or fill a need.
Files Related to Leadership Development
Date of most recent Strategic Plan
Date of most recent Strategic Action Plan
Briefly describe progress in implementing sections of the strategic plan.
We have completed a new zoning plan and are working on completing the signage portion of the plan. We do not have a new Strategic Plan at this time.
Strategic Plan Attachments
Date of most recent Comprehensive Plan
Briefly describe Comp Plan projects in progress or completed
Name of Superintendent: Brett Stanton
Elementary School Annual Report Card: 89
Elementary School Student Population for entire school system: 399
Middle School Annual Report Card: 83
Middle School Student Population for entire school system: 450
High School Annual Report Card: 85
High School Student Population for entire school system: 587
Name of Career Tech Administrator: Roseanne Mabrey
Career Tech Training Courses: 18