Reporting Form Annual Reporting Form Name of ACE Community Email Phone Reporting Year 20182019202020212022 Success Indicators (Your Community Data) SMALL BUSINESS AND REAL ESTATE Number of Business Licenses Number of Building Permits Grants Funding Please provide information on the grants/funding your city received this year. Source (ex ADECA/CDBG, State Arts Council, Tourism Dept. etc)) Amount (use only numbers, please, such as 5,000 or 100,000) Purpose (Sewer Expansion, Design Plan for City Center, etc) plus1 Add minus1 Remove BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT This section should be a listing of companies and industries that have been recruited to your City during the year, as well as expansions that have taken place. This information is available from City licenses, the Chamber of Commerce or Merchant’s Association or MainStreet. Check box if it is a new business rather than expansion of existing business. Note: ATTACH NEWS ARTICLES (.pdf documents) OR OTHER COMMUNICATION ABOUT THESE PROJECTS WITH THIS REPORT. New Business YesNo Business Name (Subway, etc) Investment Dollars ($) (number only) Jobs Created (number only) Economic Impact Dollars ($) if known (number only) plus1 Add minus1 Remove LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Your Community Leaders (established and in training, both Youth and Adult) can make significant contributions in assisting the community to implement programs or projects. For example: after school programs, youth mentoring, fundraising for a non-profit, etc. 1. List dates and titles of leadership development programs (Youth and Adult). 2. Briefly list progress within your City that involved or was led by your Leadership Class or your Leadership Alumni. Note: ATTACH LIST OF ATTENDEES, AGENDAS, NEWS ARTICLES HIGHLIGHTING ACTIVITIES, ANNOUNCEMENTS OF GRADUATES AND PROJECTS COMPLETED BY THE LEADERSHIP CLASS. (.pdf documents). Date Event Name (How to Fundraise, etc) Number Attending (number only) Hosting Agency (Chamber of Commerce, City Council, etc) Youth or Adult YouthAdultBoth plus1 Add minus1 Remove Leadership Development Description: Your Community Leaders (established and in training, both Youth and Adult) can make significant contributions in assisting the community to implement programs or projects. For example: after school programs, youth mentoring, fundraising for a non-profit, etc. Briefly list progress within your City that involved or was led by your Leadership Class or your Leadership Alumni. Files Related to Leadership Development Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 52.43MB STRATEGIC PLANNING/COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING Your current strategic plan should be reviewed annually by your local steering committee; updating the content as sections of the plan are implemented. A strategic plan should be thoroughly updated every three to five years, in order to reflect progress in your City. Briefly describe progress in implementing sections of the strategic plan. Examples: • Education/Workforce: Dual enrollment established with Wallace Community College. • Education/Workforce: Middle School achieved B+ ranking • Downtown: Sidewalks improved on Middle and Vine Streets, adding 5,000 feet of connectivity. Date of most recent Strategic Plan Date of most recent Strategic Action Plan Briefly describe progress in implementing sections of the strategic plan. Examples: • Education/Workforce: Dual enrollment established with Wallace Community College. • Education/Workforce: Middle School achieved B+ ranking • Downtown: Sidewalks improved on Middle and Vine Streets, adding 5,000 feet of connectivity. Strategic Plan Attachments Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 52.43MB ATTACH STRATEGIC PLAN, STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN, AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SUCH AS AGENDAS, WORKPLANS, NEWS ARTICLES, LISTING OF RESPONSIBLE ORGANIZATIONS AND KEY PEOPLE WITH THIS REPORT (.pdf documents). Date of most recent Comprehensive Plan Briefly describe Comp Plan projects in progress or completed The comprehensive plan guides infrastructure improvements and investments in your community, and is typically updated every five years. Briefly describe projects in progress or completed that are part of the City’s Comprehensive plan, including name of organization or city division responsible for the work. Examples: • Expansion of Oak Street to connect the Middle School to the Library. (ALDOT) • Expanded utilities to industrial park (City Industrial Board and ABC Utility). ATTACH NEWS ARTICLES OR OTHER COMMUNICATION ABOUT COMP PLAN PROJECTS DESCRIBED ABOVE (.pdf documents). Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 52.43MB Education and Workforce The State of Alabama is focusing on improved education and workforce training and development. It is a local responsibility to ensure that your citizens have access to the best preparation and training available so that they can be competitive, and your community can be viable. PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Name of Superintendent: Elementary School Annual Report Card: Elementary School Student Population for entire school system: Middle School Annual Report Card: Middle School Student Population for entire school system: High School Annual Report Card: High School Student Population for entire school system: Name of Career Tech Administrator: Career Tech Training Courses: Total Number of Students Enrolled in Career Tech Classes: How is the City supporting and encouraging the school system to improve their offerings and performance? ATTACH THE STRATEGIC PLAN FOR YOUR BOARD OF EDUCATION (.pdf documents). Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 52.43MB Name of Nearest Community College: Name of Workforce Development Lead: Who represents your community on the Regional Workforce Board? How is the City involved in Workforce efforts? DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION A City’s downtown is the heart of the community. Historically this is where generations came for parades and events, and it was/is a commercial hub. Examples: • City has purchased three downtown buildings to rehabilitate for retail use. • We are undergoing a three-year renovation of sidewalks and lighting. Tell us about the efforts you are undertaking to improve your downtown. QUALITY OF LIFE/AESTHETICS/AMENITIES What makes a City unique and LIVABLE, are the aesthetics and quality of life that the community offer its citizens. For the next generation(s) these design elements and amenities are essential. Cities that offer a variety of features and opportunities in these areas will be favored by young families and the important labor segment (persons 25-65 in age) moving to their community. • Arts Council established, elected board, scheduling events for 2019 • New park and walking trail installed. (City Parks & Rec) Briefly tell us about significant events and efforts in your community to support and enhance arts, culture, connectivity, recreational and design amenities. ATTACH NEWS ARTICLES AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS RELATED TO QUALITY OF LIFE/AESTHETICS/AMENITIES (.pdf documents). Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 52.43MB HEALTHCARE Providing quality healthcare at the community level is becoming more challenging. Briefly describe your City’s efforts in supporting the provision of healthcare services. 501(c)3 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION 501(c) NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS are an important tool in assisting development and improvements in your community. Briefly tell us how your designated non-profit is working with you on projects and programming. Examples: • Renaissance Morgantown is applying for grants on behalf of the Girls and Boys Club for the renovation of the old warehouse donated to the City. • The High School Key Club and Kiwanis has raised $25,000 through our annual 5K to provide cancer screenings. OTHER PROGRESS Please tell us about additional progress not categorized above. This is your opportunity to brag on your community. This report has been completed and is ready for review. Yes Not yet, I'm still working on it. Submit Δ