2015 Application Process and Selection Criteria Overview
- Applications are disseminated to mayors of all eligible municipalities in Alabama (cities between 2,000 and 18,000 in population).
- The application form consists of questions designed to determine a community’s commitment and capacity to support ACE. Information is requested about: community planning, organization for community and economic development, leadership development, education, infrastructure, health care, and quality of life. The application will also require letters of support from local leaders (local governing body, chamber of commerce, and other community organizations).
- The ACE Selection Committee reviews each application and selects communities as candidates for participation.
- The ACE Board of Directors reviews candidate communities and approves/disapproves as participants in ACE. Communities not selected will be notified and receive appropriate feedback on their application.
- Selection decisions will be guided by the criteria of commitment and capacity, but will entail some subjectivity. Consideration will be given to issues such as serving diverse populations and ensuring regional balance.
- The number of communities selected for ACE participation is based on available resources.
- Applications may be submitted on-line (preferred method) http://www.alabamacommunitiesofexcellence.org/apply/, OR via mail. ALL applications must be received or postmarked by: Friday, March 6, 2015 see instructions on application form. Please TYPE inside the “gray” boxes and click on the “yes”/”no” boxes – Save your final document as a .PDF file.
- The application process is extremely competitive, to be considered, applications MUST be completed in its entirety with ALL attachments included in .PDF format ONLY.
SUBMIT BY: FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 (must be postmarked by 3/6/15)
PREFERRED METHOD is via on-line submission:
OR Mail to the address below. All applications must be postmarked by March 6, 2015:
Alabama Communities of Excellence
1854 Lake Ridge Road
Birmingham, AL 35216
Please direct questions to: Sidney Hoover: Sidney.Hoover@outlook.com – (205) 567-3248